Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Catching Up

Hello, followers! Oh yeah, I don't have any of those yet. That's probably for the best at the moment considering I haven't been the most consistent blogger as of yet. Shocker- I know. So let's catch up! So what has my little family been up to this month? A lot is the short answer. Pickle and I were able to snag a few weeks off together this month and we set our sights on "nesting" 7 months late.

You see, I felt pretty crummy my entire pregnancy. I wanted to nest oh so very bad, I just couldn't. If I stood up for longer that two minutes, everything started going black and I would almost pass out. Not the best recipe for baby prepping.

I've had all of this pent up nesting energy for months, and we I decided to unleash the fury!

I started reading Organizing From the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern, and let me tell you. If you have the least bit of interest in getting organized it will get you well on your way. I love her approach. It worked for Pickle and me, and we have completely different outlooks on cleaning/organizing.

I could do a whole post on all the DIY, purging, cleaning and organizing things we've tackled this month, but I will save that one for a rainy day. Plus, there is much, much more to come on this topic.

I decided to work out this month...once. There is a new gym close to my house that does kickboxing style workouts that includes several different disciplines from MMA style fighting. They had a thing where you could have a free personal training session. Oh sweet baby Jesus, was it a workout. It was so much fun, too. I would really love to get in to it more, but right now my schedule with Fickle Jr. and work is so crazy I can never tell what day or time I'll have free time to go!

And of course we've had a whole lot of time with our sweet, little precious. What's new with her? Baby food! I had dreams of making all of her baby food fresh, but that hasn't happened quite yet. It may eventually, but for now those little baby food pouches are a life saver! She loves her some Yobaby too!

Glad we could catch up! Shoot me a comment if you aren't a blood relative of mine and you are out there reading! Tell me how to make blog friends, too! Pretty please?


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