Friday, June 27, 2014

Anonymity In the Blog World

This will be a relatively short post, but I would love to get some opinions on this topic. If you are out there reading, please comment and let me know what you think!

I've been a blog stalker/lurker for quite some time. I have wanted to start a blog for years, but just recently found the time and motivation to dive in.

I'm sure you can tell, I'm learning as I go. From the beginning, after speaking with some fellow friends who have had blogs, I decided to use a pen name in order to protect my family and myself from having our entire life splashed across the internet.

However, who likes blogs with no personal touches? Does it cut off that desire of readers to keep up with a blog?

I would love to post before and after pictures, precious baby pictures, and even pictures of myself and Pickle, but then anyone who knows me in real life will know it's me! In our every day life we are careful of posting pictures on social media, and cautious of whom we allow to know personal things about our family. From personal experience, people can easily twist things in to things to bring unnecessary drama to others' lives.

I would love to get some feedback. Can a blog be successful without laying it all out there for the world to see?


1 comment:

  1. I think you can absolutely have an anonymous blog. If the writing is compelling and the characters are relate-able, the details, e.g. location, job, kids' names, etc. are not important.
